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“Bunkers in Baghdad Hits Milestone,” Buffalo Law Journal


“Bunkers in Baghdad Hits Milestone,” Buffalo Law Journal

March 10, 2014
Joseph M. Hanna

“We just sent out a shipment of equipment to Somalia, making it the 26th country we have shipped to since 2008,” said Goldberg Segalla partner Joseph M. Hanna, discussing the growth of Bunkers in Baghdad with the Buffalo Law Journal. Joe founded the charity over five years ago to collect and send golf equipment to U.S. troops and wounded warriors to aid in recreation and rehabilitation from injuries.

Now, Bunkers has gone global, thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers, support at both the grassroots level and through big-name partnerships, and the support of Goldberg Segalla from the very beginning.

“We saw this as an opportunity for us, together as a firm, to thank our brave soldiers for all that they do and to let them know we are thinking about them back home,” Managing Partner Richard J. Cohen said. “We want all of our (employees) to be excellent at what they do, and even better human beings. Bunkers in Baghdad is a clear illustration of what that principle means and what we can accomplish together, and we are glad to continue supporting this effort.”

Read the article here: