“Cyberinsurance 2015: Inside a Robust and Rapidly Changing Market,” LegalTech
“2015 will be remembered as the year the cyberinsurance market began to really take shape,” write Jonathan S. Ziss and Jonathan L. Schwartz, lawyers in Goldberg Segalla’s Cyber Risk and Social Media and Global Insurance Services Practice Group.
“The market remains robust and continues to present for insurers opportunities for unprecedented growth. However, the market conditions for large and small to medium-sized enterprises differs greatly. That is because, in part, insurers are targeting small and mid-size enterprises as highly profitable. 2015 will also be remembered as the year data breach coverage disputes under stand-alone cyberinsurance policies began to leak into the courts.”
In this article, Jonathan and Jonathan take an in-depth look at these trends of continued, albeit segmented, market growth and cyber-coverage litigation and explore whether we can expect them to continue in 2016.
Read the article here:
- “Cyberinsurance 2015: Inside a Robust and Rapidly Changing Market,” LegalTech, December 30, 2015