Five New Year’s Safety Resolutions for Crane Owners
Michael Rubin, partner and chair of the firm’s OSHA and Worksite Safety practice, wrote an article for American Cranes & Transport discussing safety resolutions for crane owners as the new year begins.
In “Safety Resolutions: Five New Year’s Safety Resolutions for Crane Owners,” Michael talks about what companies should do to enhance safety performance, including reemphasizing health and safety plans, analyzing applicable OSHA safety and health standards, and encouraging employee engagement in safety.
“The best health and safety plan (HSP) won’t get you very far if your employees don’t know about it, have never been given a copy of it (or access in some way), have never received any training on it; and/or are never re-trained. Employers should ensure that what their HSP says mirrors reality. That means if your HSP says you have a safety committee, you should have the committee. If your HSP says you use particular forms annexed as exhibits, you should use those forms. Same for your disciplinary policy.”
More about Goldberg Segalla’s Michael Rubin:
Michael Rubin is chair of Goldberg Segalla’s national OSHA and Worksite Safety Practice Group. A Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Michael focuses his practice on issues involving occupational safety and health law. He advises and represents employers across multiple industries and around the country in connection with OSHA inspections, investigations, and enforcement actions. He also develops and audits safety programs and policies and counsels employers on related risk-management strategies. He has hands-on experience managing accident investigations—including those involving multiple fatalities—and regularly represents employers before, during, and after the OSHA inspection process.