Intelligent Insurer Highlights Goldberg Segalla’s Teamwork-Focused Approach in Monte Carlo Edition
“The insurance industry is facing unparalleled challenges,” notes Goldberg Segalla in this Intelligent Insurer article examining the role of legal services in the insurance industry. “Nobody who works with the insurance industry can expect to be insulated from these challenges — least of all lawyers. We’ve looked at the challenges that affect our clients and we’ve looked at what we can do about the way in which we work to help our clients face those challenges.”
In this article managing partner Richard J. Cohen explains to Intelligent Insurer what he sees as a broken model in the legal services industry — and how Goldberg Segalla aims to fix it through a culture that rewards teamwork and long-term relationship building. “In just twelve years, we’ve grown organically from seven lawyers to one hundred and seventy—I think that shows our approach is something clients in the insurance and other markets have been longing for,” Rick notes in the article.
Read the article here:
- “A Paradigm Shift,” Intelligent Insurer Monte Carlo Edition, September 2013