Joseph M. Hanna Comments on Tops Bankruptcy for Buffalo Business First
Supermarket giant Tops has topped news feeds, turned heads, and captured headlines in recent days, as business reporters, attorneys, employees, and shoppers have closely watched as the 56 year-old company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on February 21, 2018. But, according to Goldberg Segalla partner Joseph M. Hanna, “It’s not the end of the world.”
Buffalo Business First turned to Joe, chair of the firm’s Retail and Hospitality Practice Group, for insight in the lead-up to the company’s filing. “This is just a form of protection,” Joe told the paper. “It happens all the time in corporate America. For most companies, Chapter 11 is a cleaner, easier way to move forward.”
In the filing’s aftermath, Hanna underscored his point in another article for Business First. “Frankly, it will make them a better company and a stronger corporation. This is their fresh start.”
Read the articles:
- “Tops Financial Issues ‘Not the End of the World,'” Buffalo Business First, February 20, 2018 (subscription required)
- “Tops’ Curci: ‘We Were Running Our Company With One Arm Tied Behind Our Back’” Buffalo Business First, February 22, 2018 (subscription required)