“When Moonlighting Becomes Your Problem,” Pennsylvania CPA Journal
“Managing partners and other practitioners give a great deal of thought to risk management within their firms,” writes Jonathan S. Ziss, a partner in Goldberg Segalla’s Professional Liability Practice Group. “Even in the most prudent and conservative of workplaces, however, there is a professional risk that lies beyond management’s field of vision: moonlighting.”
In the Spring 2012 installment of Jonathan’s “Liability Lessons” column for the Pennsylvania CPA Journal, Jonathan addresses a range of professional liability risks faced by accounting firms when their professionals perform work off the clock and off the books.
Read the full article:
- “When Moonlighting Becomes Your Problem,” Pennsylvania CPA Journal, Spring 2012
Reprinted with permission from the Pennsylvania CPA Journal, a publication of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants.