Sports and Entertainment Law Insider™ Ranked Among Web’s Best Legal Blogs
Goldberg Segalla’s Sports and Entertainment Law Insider has been ranked as one of the top 100 legal blogs on the Internet by Feedspot, a browser-based RSS reader. The ranking — based on editorial review and criteria including Google reputation and search ranking, influence and popularity on various social media sites, and posting frequency and quality — earns the Goldberg Segalla blog placement alongside such high-profile sites as (which tracks the Supreme Court), (the blog for the American Bar Association), and others.
Sports and Entertainment Law Insider is edited by Goldberg Segalla partner Joseph M. Hanna, who chairs the firm’s Sports and Entertainment Practice Group, a 20-attorney practice that helps sports franchises, team owners, pro athletes, and leagues address a range of legal issues and challenges. Earlier this year, Goldberg Segalla was named one of the top 20 law firms in the country catering to professional sports teams by Professional Sports and the Law, an online trade publication for attorneys representing teams in Major League Baseball, the National Football League, the National Hockey League, and the National Basketball Association.