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“Avoiding or Reducing Environmental Enforcement Headaches,” USLAW Magazine


“Avoiding or Reducing Environmental Enforcement Headaches,” USLAW Magazine

Spring/Summer 2013
Jeffrey L. Kingsley

“Companies in a broad range of industries face ever-increasing scrutiny from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state departments of environmental conservation — and all signs point to growth in that trend,” writes Jeffrey L. Kingsley and Matthew D. Cabral, attorneys in Goldberg Segalla’s Environmental Practice Group.

While the civil and criminal risks associated with environmental enforcement may be potentially disastrous, this article examines a number of both proactive and responsive steps business owners and their counsel can take to limit potential exposure in environmental enforcement actions. The article analyzes critical aspects of inspections and reporting requirements, defenses for civil enforcements, criminal investigations, limiting penalties through self-reporting, and the benefits of implementing preventive measures such as an environmental compliance program.

Read the article here:

(This article is reprinted with the express approval of USLAW Network.)