Latest Reinsurance Deskbook from Thomson Reuters and DRI Again Features Thomas Segalla as Editor, Five Goldberg Segalla Contributors
Goldberg Segalla partner Thomas F. Segalla again led the team of lawyers who composed the 2017-2018 update of the Reinsurance Professional’s Deskbook: A Practical Guide from DRI and Thomson Reuters. Attorneys and insurance professionals rely on the Deskbook, one of the leading industry guides, to provide clarity on historical reinsurance concepts along with an application of those concepts in the context of today’s insurance market.
Tom — co-author of the renowned insurance law treatise Couch on Insurance 3d and editor of the inaugural edition of the Reinsurance Deskbook in 2014 — again served as editor-in-chief while Jeffrey L. Kingsley served as a part editor.
The book highlights pragmatic approaches to managing the full range of regulatory, coverage, and claims issues, including collection strategies, payment protocols, industry investigation, management of disputes, exhaustion, late notice, and the relationship of reinsurers and cedents at various stages. Through “Practice Pointers,” the authors and editors — including 19 prominent members of DRI and leading participants in the world of insurance and reinsurance — share their insight into many of the issues being addressed, arbitrated, and litigated in the current reinsurance environment. Training keen eyes on the globalization of the world economy and the ways this affects the insurance industry, Tom and the contributors survey significant reinsurance decisions from the past several years, and provide practical assessments of issues including reinsurance regulation in the U.S. and around the world, major trends in coverage and claims, and the possible implications of “Brexit” and other global political events.
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